Jan 31, 2011
Dear Virtual Study Group
We apologize for the delay in posting. We are only able to upload 250 MB a month so when we exceed our limit we have to wait a bit. We hope you will understand as the podcast is run on donations and volunteer time.
Here is Verse 9:
Emptiness, signlessness, and aimlessness
liberate me from...
Jan 14, 2011
Dear Friends
Tonight, we are introduced to the concepts that can, with practice, become our reality. Thay Phap Hai reminds us that intellectual understanding is not one with wisdom and that whatever we learn we always have to ask 'how does this apply in my life?' We also are introduced to interdependent co-arising...
Jan 8, 2011
Dear Thay, Dear Sangha
Tonight's teaching is on the 7th Verse. Thay Phap Ho shares that we can be aware that our happiness depends on my mindful attitude and not external conditions. We review the 4 recollections and we are encouraged to seek to recognize what is bringing happiness and joy to our lives. The...