Today we offer a deep sharing from Brother Phap Ho as he sits
with a flowing creek under swaying bamboo at Deer Park
The EarthHolder Sangha has been forming in North America in 2015
and is sprouting in other parts of the world. This is an outgrowth
of the Earth Holding Here and Now
In the last podcast of the series on Full Awareness of
Breathing, Brother Phap Dang shares the final three
exercises. Our brother gently walks us into the deep
teachings of non-self, non-duality, and letting go. We hope you
have benefited greatly from the monastics that shared during the
Miracle of...
Welcome to the Deer Park Dharmacast -- Dharma flowing from the
Ocean of Peace.
This week we share the continuation of Brother Phap Dang's
sharing on the thirteenth exercise of Full Awareness of
Breathing. From his personal experiences with impermanence,
our brother shows us clearly the value of...