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Aug 28, 2016

2016 Mindfulness Retreat for People of Color

Dear Friends,

We are happy to begin sharing the Dharma talks from The Path of True Love: Healing Ourselves, from our recent mindfulness retreat for People of Color. 

Today’s Dharma talk, entitled “The Alchemy of Grief: Turning Suffering into Light" was offered by Br. Larry Ward on the first morning of our retreat. 

Br. Larry provided a general outline of his talk:

  • Poem
  • Why I Practice
  • It’s About Love (verb)
  • Yoniso and Ayoniso
  • Nutriments and De-Nutriments
  • Poem

Let us now stop, listen deeply and contemplate these teachings and sharings to cultivate our individual and collective healing and great aspiration to strengthen the Beloved Community.

To stay connected with Brother Larry Ward, visit The Lotus Institute

"The calling of the Lotus Institute is to offer mindfulness teachings, principles and practices that encourage individual healing and transformation, professional growth, and development in ways that enhance planetary, social evolution."