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Aug 28, 2008

Dear Friends.

Today we are happy to share a new kind of offering with you.  We are initiating a series of podcasts called the “Elements of Practice”.   We are so fortunate to have our first offering in this series from Thay Phap Hai, one of our wonderful and experienced dharma teachers here at Deer Park Monastery.  In Sitting Meditation, Part 1, he shares the basics of how to sit, why we sit, and other elements of this practice.  We learn how to be 'noble' and that every place you sit can be a place of awakening.  You may also enjoy practicing with the guided meditation included in the talk.  One of the goals of our podcast is to support individual and sangha practice wherever it is occurring.  We hope this offering will help strengthen your practice. 

Please also visit our new website at and learn more about our tradition and practice.   Please enjoy your sitting.  

May you and all beings be well.

martin whelan
almost sixteen years ago

thanks for this, when is the next installment.


Victoria Emerson
sixteen and a half years ago

Clear, precise, and spacious. This is the best primer on sitting I could ever have imagined. Thay Phap Hai\'s presentation is easily accessible in its language, pace, and example. Encouraging each to make sitting unique to themselves while providing practical guidelines and suggestions along with historical anecdotes. Conveyed with loving kindness, the presentation \"spoke to me\" and deepened my understanding of and connection to sitting. I Bow deeply in gratitude to Thay Phap Hai and those who produced this podcast.

Michael K Nguyen
sixteen and a half years ago

Thay Phap Hai, Thank You. DPCAST Thank You.

Kenley - Chan Niem Hy
sixteen and a half years ago

As soon as I finished hearing this talk, I was ready to go back to the beginning and listen again. Excellent.

over sixteen years ago

I just found this site and just wanted to say how grateful and happy I am for these sharings, as it is currently hard for me to visit a sangha.

This podcast was very helpful!

Thank you!

Trish Palmer
sixteen and a half years ago

Hello there - I just wanted to say very many thanks for the latest podcast - I\'m sure its going to be very helpful, as I don\'t have access to a sangha. I was delighted at last, to find out the meaning of Vo Su, which I have seen many times on Thay\'s videos but have never been able to find out what it meant! Also loved the gatha \'sitting quietly\'. Looking forward to some more in this series.

Thank you for being where you are and doing what you are doing.

Best wishes to you all. Trish Palmer, Wiltshire UK

sixteen and a half years ago

Thanks for this offering. I know it will be of very good use for me and other friends I know. And a Part 2 to follow --- happiness! Gratitude...